Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Do you have a spare one hour per week to bring Holy Communion to parishioners who are sick and elderly either at home or at various Nursing Homes?

We visit and bring Jesus Christ to our beloved ones who cannot attend Holy Mass every week.


 I am the living bread that came down from heaven.  If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.John 6: 51

Aims and Objectives:

This Ministry is formed in order to help OLR’ Priests in visiting and giving Holy
Communion to family members, single parishioners who are sick and/or
elderly either at home or at various Nursing Homes.

Our mission is therefore serving the spiritual needs of our beloved sick and
elderly parishioners; in turn, they and their families would feel united with
the Church and grateful for the care shown them.
We have five Nursing Homes under the care of OLR; namely:

1- Rosary Village Aged Care (with their own resident Chaplains)
2- Fairfield Nursing Home, Fairfield.
3- Ruby Manor Nursing Home, Carramar.
4- The Manor “Villawood Aged Care” Nursing Home, Fairfield East.
5- Heiden Park Nursing Home, Carramar.

There are numerous Catholics residents in Rosary Village and the other Nursing Homes.
A Holy Mass is celebrated monthly by one of our Priests at each nursing home. Lay ministers
are assigned to help Priests in those days.
We are 12 ministers joining together to serve four of the above nursing homes and
parishioners at their homes. Weekly visits and distribution of Holy Communion are carried
out by our devoted lay ministers. New lay ministers receive training and support before their
We hold regular meetings to review matters of concern under the spiritual direction of our
Assistant Parish Priest Fr Frank Regala. We, are also guided and supported by our Parish Priest
Fr Michael De Stoop by forwarding to him the Ministry’s minutes and other relevant
information to get his advice and approval.
We have finalised our Ministry’s “Aims and Structure Proposal” which has been approved by
Fr Michael and Fr Frank; where it stands as our ‘key stone’ for this ministry. Accordingly, new
policies and procedures have been developed and implemented.
Our Ministry is honored therefore, to have Fr Michael, Fr Frank and dedicated lay Ministers.
These lay ministers enjoy their ministry and are highly committed towards our loved
parishioners at their era of life. May we all work jointly for the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and God’s Glorification. Amen